Race Day Radios
If you have a motorola compatible radio that can tune to the equivalent of motorola channel 16.1, bring it! We will have radios in use for
We find texting works for some things on race day, but usually not race updates - things happen too fast! It does help the team director when others text updates to him, but he won't be able to text back for the most part. So if you really want to hear the news updates on where our racers are, you can hear it on the radio channel.
If there is one available at the pit zone, feel free to grab it and listen in!
- in the feed zone
- the feed zone spotter (calling out racers nearing the pit zone)
- the team director roving the course near the mid-point
- someone in or near the pit zone
We find texting works for some things on race day, but usually not race updates - things happen too fast! It does help the team director when others text updates to him, but he won't be able to text back for the most part. So if you really want to hear the news updates on where our racers are, you can hear it on the radio channel.
If there is one available at the pit zone, feel free to grab it and listen in!